Plainsong is derived from the latin 'cantus planus,
and is used generically to identify ritual chant of many varied religious cultures both Christian and
non Christian, while specifically it refers to the official body of chant of the Western and Eastern
Christian churches.
It is synonymous with Gregorian Chant, although its strict interpretation tells us that it is monophonic,
meaning it has only one melodic line with no harmony, and is unmetered, meaning it doesn't have regular
measured beats to it, while Gregorian Chant is a later development of chant incorporating multiple voices,
harmony, and measured notation. Plainsong first developed early in the history of the Christian church
around the second and third centuries with the first settings of texts taken from the Psalms.
In the following centuries the number of text settings of this specific chant grew more complex and eventually
came to include all the official prayers of the Church, called offices or hours, which are sung daily at the
various hours of the day.
For discussion of non Christian chant, investigate Jewish and Hindu musics.
The sound of plainsong is one of the strange manifestations amongst the hauntings of the medieval manor house, much
altered by the Tudors. This is particularly puzzling as the house served as a royal hunting lodge and it has no
known monastic associations.
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