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Map from Lycos @ 1:25,000
Map from Lycos @ 1:25,000

Conservation of wildlife and habitats usually involves protecting sensitive areas by legislation, advice to and co-operation of the landowners or the pruchase of land for management as nature reserves.

Many of Dorset's best wildlife habitats are owned or managed by the Dorset Wildlife Trust, the National Trust or the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. All three organisations work closely with English Nature which is the governmet's statutory adviser on nature coservation.

See also:-
Wildlife in Dorset

National Nature Reserves

In 1954, the first National Nature Reserve (NNR) to be declared in Dorset by English Nature (then the Nature Conservancy ) was Hartland Moor on the Isle of Purbeck - there are now seven more.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

18,800 hectares of Dorset have been scheduled by English Nature as 140 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSI's) and this involves the staff of English Nature in liasing with nearly a thausand landowners in the county.

Sites of Nature Conservation Interest

The Dorset Wildlife Trust embarked on a project to register all the sites in the county which where of interest in terms of nature conservation but not significantly enough to warrant their scheduling as SSI's in the early 1990s. The DWT's register has grown to include nearly 1,200 sites in Dorset covering nearly 10,000 hectares of land and involving 650 landowners.

The SNCIs project has provided a valuable link between nature conservationists and the farming community with SNCI staff visiting the sites to provide conservation advice to landowners and assisting them in obtaining grant aid.

 Dorset Wildlife Trust's Logo The Dorset Wildlife Trust  Dorset Wildlife Trust's Logo

The Dorset Wildlife Trust, then known as the Dorset Naturalists' Trust took over the running of its first nature reserve in 1962 when it leased the northern part of Brownsea Island from the National Trust.

Funded by donations, grants and sponsors, the trust not only runs some fourty nature reserves but carries out other valyable conservation work such as running the register of Sites of Nature Conservation Interest which it started in the early 1990's.

Other Conservation Work

As well as organisations such as the Dorset Wildlife Trust and the National Trust, there a anumber of specialist groups such as Butterfly Conservation and the Woodland Trust who do valuablework in the county. Farmers and foresters are also increasingly incorporationg wildlife conservation into their work.

Nature Reserves in Dorset

Alder Hills Nature Reserve, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset

The natural climax vegetation of Dorset is, as is true for the rest of the British Isles, mixed woodland, even if the primeaval woodlands of much of the county were somewhat sparse on account of the sandy nature of the soils and their lack of nutrients. The activities of man and his domesticated animals have profoundly altered the landscape of Dorset since Neolithic man's arrival after the recession of the glaciers of the last ice age.

Having cleared the majority of Dorset's land of woodland, man continued to harvest the heathlands which were created on the poor soils and deplete them further of nutrients to favour the heathland vegetation which survived on such meagre fare as was available. At the mid-18thcentury, this heathland economy ensured that the huge swathes of Dorset's heaths covered about half of the county. Since that time, there has been a dramatic decrease in the extent of the heathland which has been matched by the fragmentation of the areas which are left.

During the last three decades of the 20th century saw a huge swing in attitude towards Dorset's habitats; they are now seen as something valuable and worth preserving for future generations rather than as wilderness to be tamed. Despite this, all types of habitat are threatened in Dorset, not least by the pressures of a growing population in this densely populated part of the world. This is particularly so in the east of the county where not only have the ancient towns of Christchurch and Poole grown rapidly but Bournemouth has mushroomed into a huge connurbation within a few centuries. Not only is there constant demand for land for housing, transport and industry, but the inhabitants of these centers of population seek their recreation in the Dorset countryside causing a threat by the shear pressure of their numbers.


The natural climax vegetation of the British Isles is mixed woodland and if grasslands are not to be lost to the natural succession of scrub and woodland then they need to be grazed.

The National Trust owns large tracts of grassland in Dorset on the Purbeck Coast and at Godlingston Hill and Ballard Down. One of the biggest problems which the National Trust encounter in managing these grasslands is the encroachment of gorse or furze. The Trust has tackled this, initially, by cutting and burning the gorse, followed by grazing the grasslands with cattle specially released for the purpose.

Much of Ballard Down was arable agricultural land which the National Trust commenced restoring to grassland in 1976 by seeding grasses and encouraging other wild plants to colonise the area naturally.

The Trust also manages coastal limestone grasslands at Dancing Ledge, Seacombe and Spyway Farm. On these sites the problem is to control the spread of tor grass. This has been achieved with the introduction of Exmoor ponies which, by their grazing, not only maintain the traditional grassland landscapes here but also encourage such rare plants as the early spider orchid.

The natural climax vegetation of the British Isles is mixed woodland and if grasslands are not to be lost to the natural succession of scrub and woodland then they need to be grazed.

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Wildlife in Dorset

Nature Reserves

Dorset Wildlife Trust
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