swuklink: History of the Royal Navy: Impressment  
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The conditions of life and service of sailors aboard a man o' war of the Royal Navy were not only incredibly harsh and brutal to our modern eyes, but where very much so even according to the standards of the time. Hundreds of sailors lived and worked in close, cramped and foul conditions below decks on the gundecks without even light - unless prepared for action, the gun-ports of the vessel would be locked tight and sealed with wax to prevent the ingress of water. Discipline was harsh and floggin frequent and the food foul. Not only did a sailor risk life or limb in conflict, but frequently death from disease.

To ensure the fleet was fully manned, the few volunteers were augmented with prisoners given the choice of service in the navy rather than imprisonment, deportation or even execution and sailors from ports who were pressed into service in the Royal Navy by 'press gangs'.

In modern times, the arrival of a naval vessel off a port or coastal town is a matter of great curiosity and young and old flock to view the spectacle. In the days of the press gang it was a signal for all able-bodied boys and men who might be fit for service to flee into hiding.


To ensure it was adequately manned for the war with Napoleonic France, American seamen were impressed to serve in the Royal Navy. America was neutral in the conflict and the service of Americans on His Majesty's ships compromised that neutrality and caused a bitter dispute between the United States and Britain.

The Americans declared war on June 18th 1812 but, unkbeknown to them, the dispute over which they took up arms no longer existed - the contentious naval orders had already been withdrawn in London just two days previously.

The Americans prepared to invade Canada but their offensive was out-maneuvered with british troops marching southwards to burn the Capitol and destroy most of the Library of Congress in 1813. Sir Augustus Foster, the British Minister Plenipotentiary in Washington from August 1811 who had failed to resolve the dispute had no alternative but to return home in disgrace. The United States won the war at New Orleans in 1815.

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