swuklink: Wessex Newfoundland Society  
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The Wessex Newfoundland Society fosters links between the people of Poole and Dorset and the surrounding areas of Wessex and those of Newfoundland and Labrador.

President - The Mayor of Poole

The links between Poole and Newfoundland date back to the 16th century when fishermen and merchants from Poole began to exploit the rich supplies of cod fish off the coasts of Newfoundland. As these trading interests grew, more and more people from Poole and the surrounding area went to work and sometimes settled in Newfoundland. After providing Poole with great prosperity, the newfoundland trade faded away in the 19th century but the ties between the peoples on both sides of the Atlantic survived and are now growing stronger.

Members of the Society enjoy a varied programme of social actvities and talks on Newfoundland and its connections with Poole and the west Country. They recieve the Society's quarterly newsletter, The Link, which features news of present-day Newfoundland as well as its past.

Aims & Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Society are;-

  • To broaden the mutual understanding of the historical, social, cultural, educational, recreational, civic and commercial activities of the linked areas by the exchange of information and development of personal contacts
  • To enable those with an interest to enable to come together in a context that would satisfy their need
  • To promote, support or subscribe to such activities or organisations as may further the aims of the Society
  • To carry out such activities as are necessary to further these aims

    The Society publishes a quarterly newsletter called The Link and seeks articles, and items of interest for inclusion. It welcomes suggestions for pursuing the aims as set out in its Constitution.

    Contact Details

    address: Hon Treasurer, 72 tatnam Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 2DS
    telephone: none
    facsimile: none
    web site: none


      Public Records Office, Dorchester


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