Kittric: Lincoln  
Lincolnshire, England
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The country town of Lincolnshire, the town is built on a hill overlooking the river Witham. The cathedral city is very old having been a fortress during the Roman occupation of Britain.

A fair is held annually in the city which is a market town for the surrounding countryside.

Roman Lincoln

Lincoln was an important Roman fortress and is one of only four towns in the British colony which was awarded the status of 'coloniae'.

Lincoln was at the junction of two of the chief amongst the Roman Roads in the British Isles; The Foss Way linked the town to Exeter and Ermine Street, in modern times to become 'The Great North Road', ran through Lincoln on its route from London to Carlisle and Newcastle.


1931   66,246

The bishopric of Lincoln dates from the 4th century AD. The gothic cathedral which was constructed in 1092 by the Normans is one of the finest in England.

Eleanor of Castile
Eleanor, the devoted wife of Edward (Longshanks ) I took ill with a fever at Harby in Nottinghamshire (about eight miles from Lincoln) and died on the November 24th, 1290, before Edward could arrive. Her body was carried to St Catherine�s Priory in Lincoln where she was embalmed, her viscera being sent to Lincoln Cathedral for burial. Her body was buried in Westminster Abbey but her heart, which travelled with the body, was buried in Blackfriars Church.



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