Falco tinnunculus
fam. Falconidae
order Falconiformes
class Aves (birds)
In the British Isles, the small kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is the commonest bird of prey. Some of these falcons over-winter in the British Isles but most arrive from the south in the spring.
Kestrels nest in trees or on cliffs and feed largely upon beetles and other insects, small rodents such as field mice and ocassionally on small birds.
Their habit of hovering into the wind, particularly over the verges of busy roads where they are undisturbed by man's activities attracts attention to these predators and has earned them the name "wind-hover".
| | | kingdom | Animalia | phylum | Craniata | class | Aves Birds | order | Falconiformes Eagles, Falcons + Hawks | family | Falconidae | genus | Falco | species | Falco tinnunculus |
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