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Nine inches of rainfall created a 20-foot wave at Lynmouth with the flooding claiming thirty-four lives on August 15th, 1952.
see also: Flooding
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| | | OTHER PLACES | | Arlington Court Arlington, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 4LP Among the displays and furnishings of this mansion are ship models, including Napoleonic PoW work. There is a collection of sea shells. The house was a Victorian period home, set in large gardens and grounds, now belonging to the National Trust. | 23.1 km SW | | Dunster Castle Dunster, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6SL Awaiting Information | 24.5 km SE | | North Devon Maritime Museum Odun House, Odun Road, Appledore, Devon EX39 1PT All aspects of North Devon s history from the invasion of the Danes in 878 to present day shipbuilding. | 32.3 km SW | | Burton Art Gallery and Museum Kingsley Road, Bideford, Devon The Burton Art Gallery and Museum was re-opened in May 1994, after a major extension and refurbishment. The new building has three exhibition spaces, a museum, craft gallery, shop, workshop and lecture area and Coffee Shop. | 35.7 km SW | | Torrington Museum & Archive Town Hall, The Square, Gt Torrington, Devon EX38 8HN Industry, agriculture, dairying, railways, roads, people, costume, bygones, the town, the country and the customs are all featured in our collection. | 37.9 km SW | | Coldharbour Mill Working Wool Museum Uffculme, Cullompton, Devon EX15 3EE The sights and sounds of a Victorian mill - all the stages that a sheeps fleece goes through to make the finished wool. Some of the range of machinery, from the Victorian era to recent times, is demonstrated on guided tours. | 50.2 km SE |
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