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The date of the original medieval bridge over the river Avon has been lost but records of its repair in 1585 still survive.
The bridge consists of six semi-circular stone arches with double arch rings. One of the arches has been closed up. The central arch spans nearly thirteen feet.
In 1900 the bridge was widened on the north side. In 1937 severe subsidence was remedied. A cantilevered walkway was added in 1949.
The fast-flowing water of the central arch is a favoured hunting ground of shy cormorants which appear to float motionless in the torrent. Any incling that they are being observed, however, and the birds disappear from view.
During the Civil War, nearby Christchurch Castle was held by the Royalists. A three-day seige of the castle was mounted by a thausand Parliamentary troops in 1645 and several skirmishes took place between the bridge and the castle. Various military artefacts from the period have periodicaly recovered from the bed of the Avon below the bridge.

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| | | OTHER PLACES | | Crofton Pumping Station Crofton, Wiltshire SN8 3DW The Boulton and Watt beam engine of 1812 is still in place, still working and is the oldest working beam engine in the world. Call for steaming weekends. | 70.5 km NE | | Tan Hill Wiltshire, England | 72.1 km NW | | Bedwyn Stone Museum Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire The Lloyd family have been carving stone in the yard for more than 200 years and this fascinating attraction shows the art of the stone mason. | 72.7 km NE | | West Kennet Long Barrow Wiltshire, England 3,500-year-old long barrow - one of the longest in
England & Wales - the burial chambers open to the public | 74.9 km NW | | Silbury Hill Wiltshire, England The purpose of the
huge mound, a huge investment of prehistoric resources, can only be guessed
at | 75.9 km NW | | Lacock Fox Talbot Museum Lacock nr Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 2LG A museum of photography comemmorating William Fox Talbot who was the inventor of the modern photographic negative. | 79.4 km NW |
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