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| | | OTHER PLACES | | Woodland Heritage Museum and Woodland Park Brokerswood, Wiltshire BA13 4EH 80 acres of woodland with nature trails, walks, visitor centre and adventure playground. | 63.1 km NE | | Trowbridge Museum The Shires Shopping Centre, Court Street, Trowbridge, Wilts. BA14 8AT The museum is housed in Salters Mill, the last working woollen mill in the town. The large collection of machinery tells the story of the towns wool industry and includes possibly the best surviving of a Spinning Jenny. There is also a reconstruction of a | 71.1 km NE | | Devizes Museum 41 Long St, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1NS World famous Neolithic, Bronze and iron age collections. | 74.2 km NE | | Wiltshire Heritage Museum 41 Long Street, Devizes, Wilts. SN10 1NS The archaeology collections trace the history of people in Wiltshire from the earliest times - Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Saxon, and Medieval. The Recent History gallery describes different aspects of life in Wiltshire in more m | 74.2 km NE | | Wilton Windmill nr. Wilton, Wiltshire, England The windmill has been restored and
is open to the public thanks to volunteers | 84.8 km NE | | Crofton Pumping Station Crofton, Wiltshire SN8 3DW The Boulton and Watt beam engine of 1812 is still in place, still working and is the oldest working beam engine in the world. Call for steaming weekends. | 85.4 km NE | | The Helicopter Museum The Heliport, Locking Moor Road, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset BS24 8PP The Museum houses the worlds fastest, ugliest, oldest and newest helicopters, the stars of M*A*S*H, Apocalypse Now and Goldfinger - it is the only helicopter collection in the country with over 70 full size aircraft on display. | 88.3 km NW |
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