swuklink: The Magna Carta (1215)  
or Great Charter of 1215
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The Magna Carta or Great Charter was extorted by the barons of England from King John in 1215. The charter was subsequently confirmed by all the medieval monarchs on their accession to the throne.

Although the issuing of the charter was instigated by the barons to quarantee their rights, it was the first contract between an English monarch and his subjects.

The chief grievance of the barons was the burden of feudal dues whether of money or service, and it was the levy of a feudal due which provoked the barons to prepare for war against King John in 1214.

The funding of the crusading expeditions of Richard 'The Lion-Heart ' I and the levy for his ransom as well as King John's policy all played a considerable part in angering the barons.

In order to achieve their aims, the barons were obliged to co-operate with the clergy and the commons and the whole were split into a moderate and an extreme party.

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Provisions of the Charter

Although moderates such as Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, included certain military reforms, the Great Charter was primarily concerned with the relationship between feudal lord and tennant. The main provisions of the Magna Carta were that;-

  • No man should be imprisoned save by legal process.
  • Justice should not be sold or delayed.
  • That no aid (tax), excepting for the three feudal aids, should be imposed other than with the consent of the council of the realm (parliament).
  • That all cities and towns should have their old liberties and free customs.
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    The sealing of the Great Charter by King John at Runnymede (an island in the Thames in Berkshire) did not succeed in averting war between the king and the extreme party of the barons and the conflict only ended on King John's death the following year. The infant Henry III succeeded King John under the protection of the moderate party.

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    Copies of the Charter

    There are four extant copies of the Magna Carta; two are in the possession of the British Museum, one at Lincoln Cathedral and one on display in the chapter house of Salisbury Cathedral.

    William, the 2nd earl of Salisbury was one of the nobles who advised King John to sign the Magna Carta and put his own hand to it as a witness.The Earl also had a copy of the Great Charter which he presented to Salisbury Cathedral where it is displayed in the Chapter House.

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