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The office of Chancellor is an ancient title but its significance varies in different periods.

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The Modern Lord High Chancellor

The modern Lord High Chancellor is the chief judge in England and a member of the cabinet. He also presides over the House of Lords as Speaker and appoints judges to the Court of Appeal, the High Court and County Courts.

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As royal secretaries, medieval chancellors had administrative, judicial and ecclesiastical duties and pssessed political power second only to the king. Recieving all petitions to the monarch, the Chancellor tempered the common law and administered equity.

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The office of Chancellor of Scotland expired in 1707.

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The office of Lord Chancellor of Ireland expired in 1922 on the establishment of the Free State.

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The Duchy of Lancaster

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster manages the crown lands of the Duchy which are dispersed over several counties and is a member of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the national Minister of Finance with cabinet rank. The office was established in the 13th century.

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The Chancellor is the titular head of the University - an office which was established in medieval times by the Popes. Historically, the Chancellor had wide powers to make laws, set studies, appoint professors, etc. In modern times, Chancellors of Universities are limited to the general protection of the interests of the University, particularly in connection with the government. A Vice-Chancellor represents the office in actual administration.

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Chancellors in Germany

During the Third Reich, the Chancellor's title was 'Reichskanzler'.

The german Chancellor in many ways corresponds to the british Prime Minister - he is chief of the federal officials.

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Lord Chancellors of England

The first chancellor to hold the title 'Lord Chancellor '
HENRY VIII   (1509-47)

-1504Henry Deane
as Lord Keeper of the Great Seal
Henry VII
1504-William WarhamHenry VII
Henry VIII
1515-Thomas Wolsey
1529-Thomas More
1532-Thomas Audley, 1st Baron Audley of Walden
as Lord Keeper of the Great Seal
1533-1544Thomas Audley, 1st Baron Audley of WaldenHenry VIII

QUEEN ELIZABETH I   (1558-1603)
1618Francis Bacon
Bacon confessed to taking bribes in the same year
1830-1834Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron of Brougham and Vaux

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon Longest serving Chancellor at 26 years

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