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At the time of the Domesday Survey (1086), Knapp Mill was
valued at 20s. In the 16th century it ground corn but later had been, like many
other watermills like the still extant Place Mill
on Town Quay, converted to a fulling mill.
In 1760 the mill was destroyed by fire but rebuilt by its owner,
Matthew Aldridge.
In 1916,
Andrew Cox returned to
Christchurch to work at Knapp Mill. He
had previously been the last miller at Place Mill
for thirty years until its owners
decided to stop milling operations in 1908.
In 1920, the
West Hampshire Water Company bought Knapp Mill
and 9.5 acres of land adjoining it for £2;,000 from Miss Mary Francis Mills.
The mill itself was demolished the following year. The large building just inside the gates of the
present Bournemouth & West Hamshire Water Co's works shown in the
photograph is inscribed West Hampshire Water Company 1937.
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Wiltshire, England | 48 km NE | | West Kennet Long Barrow Wiltshire, England | 73.6 km NE | | Wilton Windmill nr. Wilton, Wiltshire, England | 68.4 km NW | | Windmill Hill Wiltshire, England | 77.8 km NE | | Woodhenge Wiltshire,
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