swuklink: Medieval Poole, <a href="BAAAGBYS.php">Dorset</a>  
Dorset, England
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Poole, Dorset

When the gravel peninsula which is Poole was first settled is unknown but the name derives from the Celtic Pwll, Saxon Pol. The Normans knew it as La Pole.

At the time of the Norman Conquest, Poole may have been a tiny fishing village. Large deposits of oyster shells, dating from the late Saxon or early Norman period have been found Poole and Hamworthy Quays.

Poole was granted its first charter in 1248 by William Longespée II, the crusading Lord of
Canford Manor.

The 70 marks which the town paid for the charter enabled William Longespée to go on crusade to the Holy Land where he was killed in 1249. It return, Poole recieved a great measure of independence from the manor to which it had previously belonged; the right to appoint a 'Port Reeve' (or Mayor); the right to hold its own court rather than be subject to the manorial court of Canford Magna; and the exemption from certain tolls and customs duties on goods shipped from the Port.

In William I's Domesday Book of 1087 the manor is recorded as extending out to Poole, Hamworthy, Longfleet and Parkstone as well as including the extensive Canford Heath. It was known as Canford Magna but its position declined as Poole rose in its own right as a town as well as the manor's port.

King Henry III (1216-1272) established the port as a depot for provisioning the fleet.

In 1342, the Port was made Borough and continued to grow in both size and wealth into modern times, its position as the largest town in Dorset only usurped by the development of Bournemouth in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Poole was a limb of the Cinque Port of Winchelsea and a charter granted to the Port by the Mayor and Barons of the Cinque Port of Winchelsea on April 13th, 1364, confirmed Poole's admiralty, jurisdiction and boundaries. The ceremony of Beating of the Water Bounds, once abandoned but re-established in 1921, originates from from this charter.

By the 14th century it had prospered so much that it supplied four ships and ninety-four seamen for the Seige of Calais. The Town Cellars, dating from the 14th century, were used to store the important wool prior to its export to Europe.

The medieval port seems to have grown steadily in importance and, in 1433, the monarch made it Dorset's Staple Port.

The medieval port had wide-ranging trading links - from the Baltic to Spain and even Italy.

In his attempt to assert his claim to the throne in the final years of the Wars of the Roses, the future Henry VII set sail from St Malo with a force of fourty ships and five thausand men. Falling foul of a storm, his fleet was scattered and he reached the harbour with only the ship that carried him to find the portsmen out in force in anticipation of his landing. Henry sent a messenger ashore to enquire of the host whether his master would be recieved as friend or foe - the answer may be guaged from Henry's decision to land at Milford Haven instead.


Evidence of salt pans has been found at Kimmeridge, Charmouth, Lyme Regis and Poole Harbour. Salt extraction from seawater was once a profitable business and salt was exported to france in the 15th century.






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The Story of Poole, Old Town, Port & Harbour
Joan Sutton ©1988   ISBN 0 906596 04 1

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