Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554), the "The Nine Days' Queen" (July 10th - July 19th, 1553)or "The Thirteen Days' Queen".July 6th - July 19th, 1553), is not normally reckoned in lists British monarchs, but was, technically at least, Queen of England for a few days following the death of the boy king Edward VI in July 1553.
It is uncertain as to when Lady Jane actually succeeded to the throne and was deposed; Edward VI died on July 6th, and she was officially proclaimed Queen on July 10th, both dates having been considered the beginning of her short reign.
Edward VI had been a sickly child since birth and is thought to have contracted congenital syphylis while still in the womb from his father. He died on July 6th, 1553, aged only fifteen of either tuberculosis or poisoning by arsenic and was interred in Westinster Abbey.
By the time of his death, the Protestant Edward was sufficiently master of his own destiny to have concerns about the succession. Having no wish for England to revert to Catholicism under his staunchly Catholic half-sister Mary Tudor, he was persuaded to support the claim to the throne of Northumberland's daughter-in-law and puppet, Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554).
Mary who proved to have more popular support than Jane, partly because of the continuing sympathy for the treatment her mother, Catherine of Aragon by her father, and Lady Jane was deposed.
It seems likely that Mary I was inclined to spare the life of Lady Jane and she sent John de Feckenham to her in an attempt to convert her to Catholicism. The Catholic Queen, however, planned an alliance with Spain by marriage to king Phillip II and the Spaniards insisted on Lady Jane's execution.
The seventeen-year-old Lady Jane Grey was executed on February 12th, 1554 at the Tower of London.
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