Born on November 10th, 1342, Henry was the son of Henry, 3rd baron Percy by Mary of Lancaster, daughter of Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Leicester.
Percy held high offices in the administration of northern England under king Edward III (1327-1377).
He was given the title of Marshal of England by king Richard II (1377-1399) and created earl of Northumberland at Richard's coronation in 1377. Richard created Percy's chief rival Ralph Neville the 1st earl of Westmorland in 1399 and he switched his allegiance to the exiled Henry Bolingbroke who deposed Richard to become king Henry IV (1399-1413). After his coronation, the king rewarded Northumberland by appointing him Constable of England and granting him the lordship of the Isle of Man.
Northumberland, with his son 'Harry Hotspur', turned against Henry in 1403, supporting Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March, and later conspiring with Owen Glendower in his rebellion. The rebellion was suppressed at the Battle of Shrewsbury but, as Northumberland had not participated directly in it, he lost his office as Constable but escaped conviction for treason.
In 1405, Northumberland supported another rebellion against Henry, this time by Richard le Scrope, archbishop of York. Northumberland fled to Scotland and his estates were confiscated by the king.
In 1408, Northumberland invaded England and was killed at the Battle of Branham Moor on February 20th.
1342.Nov.10 | | Birth of Henry Percy, later created 1st Earl of Northumberland | | | 1377.Jul.16+ | | Henry Percy created earl of Northumberland at Richard\'s coronation | | BAAAGBXD | 1399 | | Richard II created Ralph Neville the 1st earl of Westmorland This caused Neville\'s enemy Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland to switch his allegiance to the exiled Henry Bolingbroke | | BAAAGEEV BAAAGBXD | 1399.Sep.30 | | The exiled Henry Bolingbroke, duke of Lancaster, returns to England to recover the Lancastrian estates seized by the king but deposes
Richard II with the support of the Percies and other nobles | | BAAAGBXD BAAAGEEV BAAAGEEX | 1399.Sep.30+ | | Deposition of Richard II, last Plantagenet king of England, by
Henry, Duke of Lancaster who ruled as Henry IV (-1413) The imprisoned Richard was murdered, the first casualty of the Wars of the Roses | | BAAAGBXD BAAAGEEV BAAAGCCV BAAAGDJC BAAAGEEX BAAAGEEY BAAAGDKP BAAAGEGA | 1399.Oct.13+ | | Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland appointed Constable of England and given the Lordship of the Isle of Man | | BAAAGEEV BAAAGBXO | 1403 | | Percy, earl of Northuberland switches allegiance to Edmund Mortimer (1391-1425), 5th Earl of March, and conspires with Owen Glendower | | BAAAGEEV BAAAGEEX | 1403.Jul.21 | | The forces of Henry IV, led by his 16-year-old son Henry, defeated and killed Sir Henry Percy (Harry Hotspur) at Shrewsbury thus ending his rebellion The prince is nearly killed by an arrow lodged in his face. The Battle forms the climax of Shakespeare\'s play, Henry IV part 1 | | BAAAGBXA BAAAGEEV BAAAGEEX BAAAGEEY BAAAGEFP BAAAGEFQ | 1403.Jul.21+ | | Northumberland stripped of the office of Constable of England but escapes conviction for treason | | BAAAGEEV BAAAGBZE | 1405 | | Northumberland involved in the rebellion of Richard le Scrope, archbishop of York, flees to Scotland and his estates are confiscated by Henry IV | | BAAAGEEV BAAAGEKC | 1408.Feb.20 | | Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland invades England and is killed at the Battle of Branham Moor
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