swuklink: 19th Century Time-Line for Christchurch, <a href="BAAAGBYS.php">Dorset</a>  
Dorset, England
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19th Century Christchurch
Dorset, England

18th Century Time-Line  Index to History  20th Century Time-Line 
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00's  |   10's  |   20's  |   30's  |   40's  |   50's  |   60's  |   70's  |   80's  |   90's  |   1900's

19th Century
Top of Page to the 1790's
Christchurch in the 1800's
to the 1810's
1801 The King's Arms Hotel was built by George Rose MP.
1807 Priory House became the home of Louise Philippe, Duke of Orleans, during his exile.
Top of Page to the 1800's
Christchurch in the 1810's
to the 1820's
1813 A good harvest saw prices drop ruining many small farmers and bankrupting many provincial banks More Details
1815 The Corn Law introduced forbidding the import of corn when its price was less than 80s. a quarter More Details
Top of Page to the 1810's
Christchurch in the 1820's
to the 1830's
1827 Isiah Evans establishes Christchurch School (boarding) at Purewell. More Details: History: Education in Christchurch
1828 Sliding scale of duty inverse to its price was introduced on corn imports More Details
Top of Page to the 1820's
Christchurch in the 1830's
to the 1840's
1833 Factory Act
1834 The Poor Law Ammendment Act History of the Poor Laws
1836 Registration Act and the Marriage Act
Stamp duty on newspapers lowered from 4d. to 1d. per issue.
The Tithe Commutation Act
1838 The Anti-Corn Law League was founded in Manchester More Details
Top of Page to the 1830's
Christchurch in the 1840's
to the 1850's
1840 The penny Post was introduced
February 10th Queen Victoria married her first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha
1842 Income Tax set for the following three years at 7d. in the pound
1845 Autumn The outbreak of potato blight in Ireland caused widespread famine and death
1846 The Corn Bill passed providing for duty of 10s. and 4s. per quarter of corn depending on the price until February 1st 1849, thereafter a nominal duty of 1s. per quarter More Details
1847 The railway joins Southampton to Dorchester but Christchurch is by-passed. More Details
c. 1847 The mediaeval leper hospital or Lazar House was demolished. More Details
Top of Page to the 1840's
Christchurch in the 1850's
to the 1860's
1853 The Christchurch Gas Company starts operations at Rotten Row and
- oversees the istallation of the town's first gas street lighting.
1859 The Old Town Hall was moved to its present site in the High Street.
1859 The Railway comes to Christchurch. More Details
Top of Page to the 1850's
Christchurch in the 1860's
to the 1870's
1863 Christchurch Corporation purchase the 'Ye Deluge' hand-operated fire pump.
1864 The Dolphin Inn in Church Street burned down.
1866 The Congregational Church in Millham's Lane was demolished to allow the building of a bigger church.
Top of Page to the 1860's
Christchurch in the 1870's
to the 1880's
1870 The street pump removed in the 1860's was replaced in Church Street after much public protest.
1874 Repairs to the value of £200 are carried out to Place Mill.
Top of Page to the 1870's
Christchurch in the 1880's
to the 1890's
1880 A new and larger workhouse was built at Fairmile.
1881 During a hard winter the rivers froze and snow disappeared only in March.
1882 Chrsitchurch made a municipal borough under the Municipal Corporations Act. More Details: Civic History
1883 The Sailing Club was established.
1884 The Old Court House was demolished - later rebuilt.
1885 Edward Hart opened his museum of stuffed birds in the High Street.
1888 Place Mill, the Mill Stream and Town Quay were sold to the Mayor, Aldermen and Corporation of Christchurch.
 Top of Page to the 1880's
Christchurch in the 1890's
to the 1900's
1890 The Mill Stream freezes during a hard winter.
1895 New waterworks open near Knapp Mill bringing piped water to Christchurch for the first time.
1898 The Technicals Schools were inaugurated.

Not yet available  Index to History  20th Century Time-Line 

See also;-
The 19th Century
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